September 28, 2016- APCO/ArCon is pleased to announce it has been awarded the construction of Task Order No. 294-TO-16-00009- Gaza Reservoirs and Pumping Facilities under USAID Infrastructure Needs Program II (INP-II).
This Task Order comprises the construction of four new water reservoirs (3,000 and 4,000 Cu.m.) and booster pump stations, along with their associated supply and distribution pipelines (27km of HDPE pipes up to 800mm dia), in order to improve access to clean drinking water to communities residing in the Middle Area and Rafah Governorates of Gaza. Project is scheduled to be completed in July 2018.
September 26, 2016- APCO/ArCon is pleased to announce it has been awarded the construction of Task Order No. 294-TO-16-00002 as part of USAID Infrastructure Needs Program II (INP-II). This Task Order consists of 2 separate road projects distributed in the northern region in the West Bank at a total cost of $7.7. The subject roads suffer from deteriorated conditions that included worn out surface, lack of proper shoulder and traffic management signage, as well as lack of road marking to provide safe driving conditions.
The scope of this task order required the rehabilitation of the following roads:
PROJECT 1: Al Jalameh Crossing Improvement- 0.67km
Project is scheduled to be completed in Aug. 2017.
PROJECT 2: Rehabilitation of Deir Al Ghsoun - Al Jarosheyah Road- 6km
Project is scheduled to be completed in Aug. 2017.
May 19, 2016- APCO/ArCon is pleased to announce it has been awarded the construction of Task Order No. 294-TO-16-00001-Hebron Southern and Northern Entrance Roads projects under USAID Infrastructure Needs Program II (INP-II). This Task Order consists of 2 separate road projects distributed in the southern region in the West Bank at a total cost of $8.6M. The two projects are considered regional roads and the main entrances to Hebron City and suffer from deteriorated conditions that include worn out surface, lack of proper shoulder and traffic management signage, as well as lack of road marking to provide safe driving conditions.
The scope of this task order required the rehabilitation of the following roads:
PROJECT 1: Hebron Southern Entrance Road - 4.0 km
Project is scheduled to be completed in May 2017.
PROJECT 2: Hebron Northern Entrance Road – 1.0km
Project is scheduled to be completed in Dec. 2016.
September 23, 2013- APCO/ArCon is pleased to announce it has been awarded the construction of Task Order No. 294-TO-13-00016- Deir Sha’ar Main Pipeline project as part of USAID Infrastructure Needs Program II (INP-II) at a total construction cost of $16.5 million. This project is located in the southern region of the West Bank (Hebron Governorate) and designed to transmit up to 26.3 million cubic meters of potable water per year to the southern district of the West Bank. The scope of work includes the installation of 27km of main 30” pipeline and internal water networks and rehabilitation/reconstruction of 11km of existing roads. The pipeline starts at the Deir Sha’ar booster station, passes alongside and supplies water from metered turn-outs to Beit Ummar, Karmi Tzur, Al-Arrub Camp, and Halhul, and ends at the existing reservoir in Halhul. Project is scheduled to be completed in May 2015.